Dear FRCPT Scholoars
Enclosed herewith please find, revised examination schedule (Time Table) for the FRCPT 2020 Batch.
Date: 26.06.2002
Day: Friday
Time: 8PM – 09.40 PM
Pattern: Online Monitored MCQ based examination
Marks: 100 Marks
Each Question Timing: 1 Minute
FRCPT online exam, a Scholar can answer the questions in a given time, and the test question moves to next question when the question time is over. Scholars are instructed to send the answer sheet to the following email: The answer sheets will be shared to you just before the examination.
The evaluator assesses responses, whether it be through an automated or manual process, and the result will be conveyed to the candidate either by mail or information available on the website.
a. A candidate passed the examination in the first attempt and secures 75% of marks or more of grand total marks prescribed will be declared to have passed the examination with Distinction.
b. A candidate passed the examination in the first attempt and secures 65% of marks or more but less than 75% of grand total marks prescribed will be declared to have passed the examination in First Class.
c. A candidate passed the examination in the first attempt and secures 50% of marks or more but less than 65% of grand total marks prescribed will be declared to have passed the examination in Second Class.
d. A candidate passing the examination in more than one attempt shall be placed in Pass class irrespective of the percentage of marks secured by him/her in the examination.