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More InfoFRCPT Online Radiology Course
The program is taught by qualified faculty and has a balanced exposure of both theory and virtual practical training. Payment & Regisration FRCPT online course has daily/weekly online classes with approximately 70 online lectures. All the...
More InfoCongratulations FRCPT Scholars
Dear FCRPT Scholars We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the FRCPT scholars for achieving wonderful results for the FRCPT annual examination 2020. A spectacular achievement! Your determination, hard work, and skill have paid...
More InfoDownload FRCPT Certificate
All the FRCPT Scholars who have passed in the FRCPT Examination can download the FRCPT certificate and Transcript here. Dr Alberto S. Ang Jr FRCPT Course Certificate FRCPT Transcript Dr Aafiya PT FRCPT Course Certificate FRCPT Transcript Dr...
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