There will be an examinations in the end of FRCPT course, to be conducted as per notification issued by the Digital Teachings. A candidate is declared to have passed university examination in a subject, if she/he secures 50 % of the marks in final examination with submission of a project.
a. A candidate passed the examination in the first attempt and secures 75% of marks or more of grand total marks prescribed will be declared to have passed the examination with Distinction.
b. A candidate passed the examination in the first attempt and secures 65% of marks or more but less than 75% of grand total marks prescribed will be declared to have passed the examination in First Class.
c. A candidate passed the examination in the first attempt and secures 50% of marks or more but less than 65% of grand total marks prescribed will be declared to have passed the examination in Second Class.
d. A candidate passing the university examination in more than one attempt shall be placed in Pass class irrespective of the percentage of marks secured by him/her in the examination.
It is mandatory for all candidates to submit their projects on radiology. Project will be a clinical assignment on given topic or condition. This may be done in the form of a literature review and with clinical relevance. Candidates are instructed to see the FRCPT Course Communications page for more module based assignments and projects.
Download Exam Model: FRCPT Exam
Download: Sample FRCPT Assignment
Download: Sample FRCPT Certificate
Know more about FRCPT Course.
FRCPT Fee & Admission Procedure